Hello and thank you for purchasing the TSS Boeing 777 RR-Trent Sound for FS2004 from Turbine Sound Studios (TSS)

It has been produced to be as near to realistic sounds as possible within the confines of Microsoft Flight Simulator(tm)

All recordings are copyright Turbine Sound Studios 2010

All support queries to be directed via our forums and website


--------------------------------Installation Instructions----------------------------------

Locate the folder containing the aircraft you wish to replace the sounds of

Step 2.
Within there delete the "Sound" folder - after creating a backup (we suggest renaming the folder to SOUNDBAK) and
simply replace with the Sound folder found in this package.

That is all,

If you have any issues please see our forums at: http://www.turbinesoundstudios.com
----------------------------------------Acknowlegements -----------------------------------

This Package was recorded and compiled by TSS Chief Sound Artist Christoffer Petersen (turbinesoundstudios@gmail.com)

--------------------------------Copyright Information--------------------------------------

All of the sounds, configuration files and other media contained within this pack are Copyright Turbine Sound Studios 2007.
Unless credited otherwise.

None of the files may be edited in any way, used in any other packages or uploaded to any websites, newsgroups, P2P or other file sharing networks without the express, written, permission of Turbine Sound Studios.

This package and all files distributed within it are payware copyright TSS